Never winter family whitewater adventures (Mexico)

The original article can also be found at It’s winter and for most people the kayaking season has been over for a few months. For those in the northern hemispheres that are still paddling, you are likely wearing a lot of layers to ward off the chill. Time to think about heading SOUTH for…

Never Winter – Family Whitewater Adventures (Ecuador)

This post was initially published on the Jackson Kayak blog at: It’s winter and for most people the kayaking season has been over for a few months. For those in the northern hemispheres that are still paddling, you are likely wearing a lot of layers to ward off the chill. Time to think about heading…

Never Winter – Family Whitewater Adventures (Costa Rica)

Here is part one of our four part series for Jackson Kayak on Warm Whitewater destinations for families – check it out! Costa Rica – a super family friendly kayaking destination It’s winter and for most people the kayaking season has been over for a few months. For those in the northern hemispheres that…