Truckee Whitewater Park – Reno, Nevada

hunter peter tim reno launchThe Truckee Whitewater Park is located in downtown Reno, Nevada. We have been trying to paddle here for three years so were excited to hear last week that the water was flowing (compared to our last visit where only the ducks were playing…).

reno slalom course FordoAs the park is located downtown and has other amenities (tennis, basketball, walking etc.) we learned that we needed to get there well before lunch in order to get a parking spot, or two, or three to fit into!

hunter side surf warmupThere are two channels in the park. The channel closest to the parking area has a slalom course and makes for a great warmup lap – fun little surf features and a good set of gates to practice precision moves on.

hunter wave 5At the bottom of the confluence of the two channels is wave 5 – the largest wave of the five features. Can be sticky or flushy or great depending on the water levels…

tim wave 3 back surf

Wave 3 is also referred to as the competition wave – it is a slight hole but also has a green tongue section for front surfing. It was a great place to build confidence and experiment with old and new tricks.

peter loop reno
Peter Holcombe showing that old guys can still throw loops!
nathan wave 3 loop
Nathan O’Connor getting some AIR!
cameron reno wave 3
Cameron O’Connor showing the younger boys how it’s done
abby reno wave 3
Abby Holcombe rocking her front surf

We were lucky to venture to Reno with our new friends the Holcombe’s (a full time travelling family) and then to meet the O’Connor clan as well.

hunter ender rockstar reno

Hunter was able to borrow a small Rockstar from the O’Connor boys and LOVED it…which is great as we have a new to us Rockstar sitting in Calgary waiting to be picked up. With his new friends cheering him on he pushed his comfort zone and tried his first loop!

hunter nathan cameron reno april 2016

Paddling with other kids has been great for Hunter – pushing his comfort zone while having fun and goofing around! He’s stoked for paddling this year, which is exciting for us…

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