Don’t let go!!! Fun on 4 legs at Ladyhawk Farms

DSCN1841Our trip so far has been a mixed effort between not replicating what we did last time while still catching the things we loved. Horseback riding at Ladyhawk Farms was high on Hunter’s list to do again because we had so much fun last time. After his trail riding in August went so well, he was adamant that we had to go again!

Susanne and Jim are fabulous hosts and have great horses. The barn is very welcoming and we had fun brushing the horses and making friends while getting everything ready to ride.

We did the half day ride and it was a perfect length of time. You ride directly from their property, which is surrounded by the Withlacoochee State Forest that has specific horse trails (no bikes, no ATV’s etc.). The trails were scenic and peaceful while also being interesting and diverse. We rode to the top of Tillis Hill which houses an Equine Campground and great resources for a trail stop (water buckets for horses, tie off points, washrooms for people etc.) and then headed back to the farm.

One of our favourite parts about Lady Hawk farms is that you are highly engaged in the horseback riding activity – and this was very true for our cantor up the last hill to the barn. The horses knew exactly where they were and when we said “GO” it was all about holding on and holding on some more, especially as you came to a fence at the end of the trail and made an abrupt right hand turn. Susanne said to trust the horses and that was all you could do – while holding on! Hunter was thrilled and terrified at the same time, which was a great way to end the ride.

We strongly recommend Lady Hawk farms for a day ride or an overnight adventure.

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