In search of alligators in the everglades

water lilly 2


What to do on a sunny afternoon in southern Florida? Take your canoe into the everglades and go searching for alligators of course!

lee tim hunter canoe

Uncle Andy and Aunt Shannon live just on the edge of the everglades so we loaded up 2 canoes and went for a short drive. At the put in it was us in our little boats and a handful of tourist swamp boats that made alot of noise!

bob andy canoe

The temperatures were a little cool (for southern Florida – us notherners were still quite happy) and some of the Alligators seemed to be quite lethargic. We got within a foot of one before it noticed us and swamp away.



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lee tim hunter canoe 2


We paddled for about 2 hours and saw close to 15 Alligators which made for a fun afternoon!

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One Comment

  1. Hi:
    Your post, found through our friends at Top Family Travel Blogs, makes us eager to get to Everglades in about a week. We are just starting our 12th and final month on the road and would love to say hi if you are still down there. Seems that we’ve already been to some of the same places like Moab and Carlsbad. As one who grew up in Florida, I am glad you got to see plenty of gators in everglades. We always say there is at least one in every lake but they rarely cause a problem. We can’t wait to kayak or canoe when we get there!

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