Fire Trucks, Fire Trucks, Fire Trucks

fire truck fire hall 4

To say that Hunter is “into Firetrucks” is a significant understatement. Thanks to Tim having worked as a volunteer fireman for Mount Lorne Fire Department for 5 years, Hunter has experienced Fire Trucks in an intimate way. He has also extensively studied the Mighty Machines Fire Hall episode.

The Parkland, Florida Fire hall is right on our bike route so we have been checking it out on a daily basis. Some days the trucks are out and some days they are not. Hunter quickly noted exactly what kinds of trucks they have, the colours and features etc. We were puzzled with their colour – why were they green? On one of our daily bike rides we stopped in and chatted with a fireman and learned that the government doing the purchasing gets to pick the colour. Parkland is very focused on the aesthetics of the municipality and therefore all of their municipal vehicles are Green. From a fireman’s perspective, this is not great as you are not as noticeable and recognizable…

One day as Tim and I were returning from our morning walk we came across a whole host of emergency response vehicles for a small car accident. We went home and hauled Hunter out of bed to check it out – he was quite thrilled…

Christmas morning we were lucky to catch the Firemen pulling the truck out for their daily run through. They were fabulous with Hunter, letting him climb up into the firetruck and giving him a thorough tour and run-down on all the pieces of equipment. Even Grandpa Bob had fun!

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